Jack Meehan College Dux, Class of 2022


Congratulations to 2022 De La Salle College Dux, Jack Meehan who achieved an outstanding ATAR of 99.45

He achieved the following Study Scores; Literature 38, Mathematical Methods 51, Specialised Mathematics 50, Chemistry 49, Physics 48, Biology 45

Jack was delighted with his overall VCE score and performed better than he had expected. While studying at De La Salle College, Jack researched the requirements for various university courses that stood out to him which he thought could be potential pathways. Jack’s outstanding results enabled him to pursue the career he wanted, and he was accepted into his chosen course.

Jack is excited to immerse himself in Science and Engineering at Monash University and on completion of this 5 year course, Jack will graduate with both a Bachelor’s degree in Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering accredited by Engineers Australia.

Jack participated in the school spirit at De La Salle College and enjoyed participating in ACC hockey and volleyball in Year 11. He also stepped up as a crew member in the High School Musical play with OLSH in Year 11.

During his time at De La Salle College, Jack is most proud of his achievement of the Dux award for two years running in both 2021 and 2022.


Throughout his school studies, Jack believed finding a balance between studying and socialising with his friends and family was key to his success and overall wellbeing.

“If you don’t have downtime with your family and friends, you can’t study effectively and it’s also key for maintaining good mental health. I always ensured I had some downtime and family time, even during the SWOTVAC and exam period.”  Jack’s siblings have also been a source of inspiration to him throughout his life and have had a big influence on his values and commitment to work towards his goals.

In 2023, Jack will be focusing on his studies at Monash University and he is also looking forward to getting involved in the university social clubs and societies. Jack will stay connected with his mates from De La Salle to maintain all the friendships he’s made during his time at school. As a new “Old Collegian”, Jack intends on attending school reunions to stay in touch with his De La Salle year group.

Jack believes De La Salle has helped him to develop strong study habits and skills as well as teaching him the values of respect and virtue and he has gained lifelong friends throughout his school journey.

“I believe De La Salle’s core principles will influence me as an adult. The De La Salle community has instilled its core values in me through my school experience and I will carry these values with me in life.”


De La Salle College educates over 1,000 students across three campuses – Tiverton, Holy Eucharist and Kinnoull. Each campus is aligned for […]

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