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Education Advice

Standing Ovation for Student Talent at The McDonald College

Imagine coming to a high school musical and forgetting you were at a school. That’s the reality at The McDonald […]

Science in Australian Schools

  Science in Australian schools is a fundamental way for students to develop an ability to think critically and solve […]

International students studying in Australia

Many overseas students consider studying in Australia from high school. International students studying in Australia can immerse in the culture, […]

Performing arts in Australian schools

What is performing arts in Australian schools? According to the Victorian Department of Education, performing arts programs in Australian schools […]

Developing an understanding and awareness of Country

At Alphington Grammar School, the continuum of education and awareness of the history and culture of the Aboriginal and Torres […]


They dance, sing, play music, act and they engage in high-level, intricate philosophical debates about the country’s legal system – […]

Young people want to disconnect from social media

New research released in June 2023 from headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation shows that half of young people surveyed […]

Embedding creativity holistically within Camberwell Girls Grammar School

Creativity and creative thinking are concepts usually seen as belonging to children. When the days for playing are apparently over, […]

The benefits of peer support

Professor John Toumbourou, Deakin University Chair in Health Psychology, says, “There is an urgent need for school programs to rebuild […]

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