Melrose High has a tradition of excellence, working with a community of learners. Classes are offered for students in Years 7 to 10. Achievement in learning is strongly encouraged within a safe and friendly environment.
Facilities: Sports fields, tennis courts, hall/gymnasium, basketball and netball courts, well-stocked library with computer facilities, computer rooms, modern art facilities, including a kiln and glass art, modern science laboratories, kitchens, wood and metal facilities.
Electives Years 7 and 8: All students study subjects from each of the eight Key Learning Areas — English, Mathematics, Science, Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE), the Arts, Technology, LOTE and PD/Health/PE. A large number of options is offered in some areas, while in others options include study at a variety of levels.
Electives Years 9 and 10: All students study Mathematics, English and PE in both Years and then choose from a variety of units in Science, SOSE, Arts, Technology and LOTE. A range of extension units is available to interested students through these electives.
Special programs: Students may elect to join the computer-assisted learning program in which they use their own notebook computer in their learning of English, mathematics, science, SOSE, art, music and technology. Specialised programs are also provided for international students to assist them in improving their level of understanding in English.
Sport: A wide range of sports are offered and the school has an outstanding reputation for sports and PE. Teams operate in hockey, netball, tennis, cricket, cross-country running, athletics, swimming, basketball, softball, various football codes, and several other sports. Opportunities are available for skiing, horse riding, bushwalking, abseiling, and snorkelling.
Extracurricular activities: Debating, vocal group, bands and musical ensembles, dance, drama, music tuition, grooming and deportment, sports leadership, extended learning program in areas of choice, Tournament of Minds, and academic competitions are offered through learning programs, at lunchtimes and as extra areas of involvement at school.
Welfare and personal development: A highly developed and well-regarded student welfare system staffed with a team of experienced teachers provides structure and discipline throughout the school. Attendance is well supervised. Activities such as peer support, peer mediation, careers education, camps and work experience support the development of all students. Low-cost, attractive and simple uniform dress code is compulsory.