Group of Tara girls Junior Girl Book Junior School Girls Technology Classroom Telescope

Tara Anglican School for Girls is an inspirational learning environment for Early Learning Centre to Year 12 girls. Established in 1897, Tara has a rich tradition of more than 120 years’ experience in education in the Parramatta and Hills region of Sydney. High academic results are being attained and a wide variety of opportunities are offered for girls to develop holistically within a strong Christian framework. Tara has a strong and proud tradition as an Anglican, non-selective school for girls which nurtures its students academically and spiritually and provides great opportunities in the co-curricular arenas of the arts, sports and the service of others. Tara is a school filled with energy and vitality and the students enjoy impressive facilities and excellent teaching by passionate and dedicated staff.

Its purpose is to be a Christian learning community, characterised by excellence, which encourages and empowers girls to achieve and serve in a dynamic world. Tara girls are enveloped in the school’s culture of affirmation, service to others, opportunity and integrity. Excellence will continue to be a hallmark of Tara. Underpinning Tara are strong commitments to an authentic Christian faith which values individuals and recognises their uniqueness and an outstanding educational offering for girls.

Tara is committed to offering girls an outstanding education, based on best practice and designed to enable students to achieve academic performance which ranks at the highest levels for Junior and Senior Schools. Tara’s excellent educational offering will continue to be seen not only in the academic arena but also in the co-curricular. Tara continues to offer cultural and sporting activities as well as community service programs which can be life changing. Tara’s depth and breadth of educational opportunities will continue to promote the attainment of each girl’s potential, specified outcomes and the development of girls’ characters and leadership potential.

The Tara Strategic Plan for 2016-2020 establishes a framework to further build this great school. By the end of 2020, Tara will be a leader in girls’ Christian education: research-informed teaching and learning with an emphasis on the holistic development of each student and where every student is cared for, challenged and equipped to live out the distinctive values of the school.

Teaching and learning: Teaching practices are informed by research in best practice teaching and learning for girls from the early years of school through to graduating Year 12 students.

In the Junior School, learning is organised using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme framework. Within this organisational structure, Tara embeds the key subject areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Sciences, PDHPE and Creative Arts. In addition to this, Tara girls also learn an additional language from the age of seven.

Tara is a ‘Candidate School’ for the IB in Senior School. The Middle Years Programme will be implemented in 2016 through to Year 10 by 2019. Tara believes that the IB MYP provides a framework to guide, and embed all that is ‘best’ about modern constructivist teaching and learning in a systematic and holistic manner. Such a framework will provide consistent learning experiences for all students across the whole of the Senior School.

Tara girls continue into the Higher School Certificate for Years 11 and 12. As one of Australia’s leading private schools, Tara Senior School has an outstanding reputation for preparing girls for entry into the country’s top universities and for future success.

The All-Rounder Girl: Many parents and Tara Old Girls identify that one of the school’s greatest strengths is educating the ‘whole’ student throughout her school life.

The school’s aim is to build a future that optimises each girl’s ability to learn and develop as a strong, resilient young woman who leaves Tara well prepared to embrace life’s adventures. Student engagement, mentoring, service learning and house system ensures no girl goes under the radar.

Tara provides girls with a balanced education through extensive academic and co-curricular opportunities. Students are supported and encouraged to explore a wide range of programs as they develop their skills in a supportive and dynamic environment. Tara has a strong tradition to offer opportunities to empower students, including debating and public speaking, performing arts, leadership programs, sport as well as academic and social clubs. All students are encouraged to think globally with opportunities for cultural experiences and exchange programs abroad from Year 5.

The study of Astronomy is an exciting aspect of Tara. Tara is the only school in Australia that offers a full and enriching course into Astronomy thanks to the Global Jet Watch telescope, the largest privately owned telescope in Australia, which has been built on school grounds in collaboration with Oxford University, UK. Using this unique apparatus and research level observatory, students conduct astronomy and physics research, work directly with internationally renowned cosmologists and scientists from Oxford University and host star viewing nights to build their skills.

Learning community: Tara is located on 12 hectares of beautiful grounds and gardens in North Parramatta. The amazing learning spaces are an integral part of framing exciting learning experiences, from dynamic classrooms, boarding facilities, extensive sporting grounds, theatres and pre-tertiary centres. About 40 per cent of the grounds are dedicated to recreational and sporting use. Tara is a leader in the use of technology and continues to explore new mediums to support girls in their development. The school wants the young women of Tara to be prepared for life beyond Tara and to take her place on the world stage.

Principal: Mrs Susan Middlebrook

School Information

  • Type: Independent
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Single-sex, Girls

  • Faith-based: Anglican
  • Year: Pre-Kindergarten - Year 12
  • Day/Boarding: Day and Boarding
  • Enrolment: 750 students (55 boarders)
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered: IBDP  
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre: Own Preschool
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
  • Fees: Please visit website. Scholarships are also available.
  • Address:Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151
  • Email:Enrol@tara.nsw.edu.au
  • Phone:02 9630 6655
  • HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Please contact the school


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