Recognising Our High Achievers | Barker

High Achievers

As is the school’s custom, Barker was delighted to welcome back its high-achieving students from the Class of 2021, recognising their outstanding results and contributions at a special school assembly.

Speaking at the assembly, Head of Barker College, Mr Phillip Heath, acknowledged the many additional demands that were placed on the Class of 2021, yet despite the challenges, this cohort achieved some remarkable results.

“This group of students have set a very high standard for what can be achieved by the rest of us,” Mr Heath said. “The Class of 2021 managed and surpassed the challenges presented to them and we are delighted and proud that 200 students in this cohort received early entry offers and almost all students received their first choice in the UAC process.”

In his address to the Class of 2022 at the assembly, 2021 Vice School Captain, Harry Breden, congratulated his peers and shared some of his wisdom with the current Year 12s.

“Now that lockdowns are looking like a thing of the past, I hope that you will have a relatively normal Year 12,” Harry said.

“Make sure you set a goal for what you want to achieve this year and then strive towards that. I found the goals I set, helpful for staying motivated.”

Harry also encouraged the students to use all the support that Barker offered and believed that a big reason for his success, was asking for feedback from his teachers.

In his concluding remarks, Mr Heath said, “each student has showed enormous courage to achieve what they have. They represent the 340 other students of the Class of 2021 and we give thanks to the Lord for the blessings they have given to the school and wish them every success.”

Photo Caption: Representatives from Barker’s Class of 2021 who attended the High Achievers Assembly on Tuesday February 22, pictured with some of the school’s Senior staff, including Head of Barker College, Mr Phillip Heath (far right) and Deputy Chair of School Council, Dr Wendy King (2ndn from the right).


Published by: Barker College

Founded in 1890, Anglican independent, day and boarding school. Barker College is a fully coed school from Pre-K to Year […]

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