In 2015, Melbourne bayside coeducational ELC-12 school Mentone Grammar launched Mentone Stories, a series of parent seminars, following feedback to the school from parents about the areas in raising a child for which they required some support. In response to this feedback and by listening to the needs of parents, students and teachers, specialist presenters gave insights and advice on Cybersafety, Happy Children, Study Success and Drugs and Alcohol.
To begin the series in March, ‘Cybercop’ Susan McLean, Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cybersafety and young people, presented ‘Staying Safe Online’ to both student groups during the day and a parent information evening. One of the world’s best known parent educators and authors, Steve Biddulph, presented ‘The Secret of Happy Children’ in May to a sold out audience.‘Successful Study Techniques’ was held in July leading up to the end of year exam period, and in October, an insightful and powerful presentation with expert Paul Dillon, provided accurate and up-to-date alcohol and other drug information to parents (and students in separate sessions).
The Mentone Stories seminars are all free and open to the public. Further information is available on the website, Following the overwhelming success of the seminar series, the school plans to continue to listen to the needs of parents, with more Mentone Stories covering hot topics to come.