Faith is at the heart of our College | Marcellin College


At Marcellin College, we seek to foster a faith learning environment that focuses on the five Marist characteristics:

  • Presence
  • In the Way of Mary
  • Family Spirit
  • Love of Work
  • Simplicity

We understand that our young men are all at different stages on their faith journey. To encourage a deeper understanding and help to discern their individual path, we offer a range of faith-based opportunities including Christian service and community outreach.

Our teaching and experiences around Faith and Mission will increase with a dedicated Christian Service Program for students. The program complements the intensive RE subject offerings at Years 9 and 10 by providing students with opportunities to explore action in the service of others, a key element of the Catholic faith tradition and a wonderful way to contribute hope in our world.

Christian Service activities currently undertaken by all Year 12 students as part of their Year 12 Seminar Program, as well as students in Years 7 to 12 who complete Christian Service activities as part of their participation in the Youth Ministry Program, Game Changers, provides opportunities to put faith into action and is a key to enabling our young men to connect with the faith traditions of our Catholic Marist community.

A close up of details at church


We develop a way of being, loving and doing. We seek to establish positive relationships with all members of the community, founded on love, which create a climate for learning in an educational setting, for passing on values, and for personal growth. We deepen our experience of the loving presence of God within others and ourselves. This presence of God is a profound experience of being personally loved by God, and the conviction that He is close to us in our daily human experiences.

A boy crosses his arms for communion

In the Way of Mary

Mary is for us the perfect model of the Marist educator, as she was for Saint Marcellin Champagnat. Mary’s education was a journey of faith, just like ours. She urges us to do whatever Jesus tells us. Mary has continued to carry out her mission of mother and educator within the Christian community, giving witness to God’s solidarity with people in their needs and sufferings. All members of our community are inspired to imitate her tenderness, strength, and devotion in faith.

A colourful cross on school campus

Family Spirit

Champagnat’s great desire and legacy is that we relate to each other as the members of a loving family. Our family spirit’s foundation is the love that Jesus has for all his brothers and sisters – all of humanity. Acceptance and belonging should prevail where everyone in our family has a sense of being valued and believed in, where we are ready to trust each other, forgive each other and reconcile with each other. Our relationships are genuine and caring.

Hands cupped for communion at church

Love of Work

Saint Marcellin Champagnat was a man of work, a sworn enemy of laziness. As a builder, he shows us the importance of being ready to “roll up our sleeves”. We follow his example in being generous of heart and constant and persevering in our daily work as well as in the efforts we undertake for our own ongoing learning. Young people learn that work is a powerful means of self-fulfillment, of giving purpose and meaning to life, and of contributing to the general economic, social and cultural wellbeing of the society in which they live.

Close up of a school uniform with a poppy and badges


As members of a community, we strive to be persons of integrity – truthful, openhearted, and transparent in all our relationships. Humility and modesty are linked to simplicity. Such simplicity is the fruit of a unity of mind and heart, of character and action that derives ultimately from our being honest with ourselves and before our God. We all need to value others and ourselves for who we are without pretence or dishonesty.

Year 12 Seminar Program

The Year 12 Seminar Program is aimed at developing student awareness of a range of social justice, community and wellbeing issues. Through engaging in works of service and through a series of seminars hosted by renowned speakers, Year 12 students are offered opportunities for holistic formation in their final year of Catholic secondary education.



The college motto, “Virtute ad Altissima” (“Through Virtue and Courage Strive for the Highest”), recognises that excellence lies in focusing […]

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