Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta has been offering outstanding
educational opportunities for young women for more than 120 years. A Catholic
independent girls’ College in the Mercy tradition, the College offers a dynamic
and nurturing educational environment for girls in Years 7–12.OLMC offers girls
the opportunity to excel in all aspects of College life. As a College, it is
committed to the values of mercy and justice.

OLMC was established in 1889 and continues to celebrate its
reputation as a school of strong academic achievement, its ability to
accommodate the differing needs of its students, its constant involvement in
music and sporting arenas and its emphasis on holistic education. Students are supported
and challenged in their learning by a team of committed and professional staff,
as they strive to become confident and independent learners. At OLMC, staff
recognise their responsibilities to educate students to anticipate the
challenges of an unknown future. The learning environment embraces emerging
technologies in the classroom and the student notebook program (where every
student in Years 7–12 has their own notebook computer). More significantly they
strive to ensure that the young women who leave are committed to a future in
which they will live fulfilled lives true to the Mercy values of the College.

Facilities: The College is presently undergoing an exciting
transformation. Early 2011 will see the opening of the Janet Woods Building.
This learning space will encompass new state-of-the-art science and technology
facilities, a commercial and domestic kitchen, an innovative library, flexible
learning spaces and a new senior study. Other College facilities include: large
assembly hall, facilities for drama, visual arts and design and technology and
a Student Services Centre.

Subjects Years 7 to 10: The OLMC offers a broad curriculum. In Stage
4 (Years 7 and 8) students study Religious Education, English, Mathematics,
Science, Geography, History, Technology, Visual Arts, Drama, Music and Personal
Development/Health/Physical Education. In addition to these core subjects, Year
8 students study Languages (either French or Japanese).

In Year 9 students study a core range of subjects comprising
Religious Education, English, Mathematics (Stages 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3), Science,
Australian History, Australian Geography and Personal
Development/Health/Physical Education. In addition to these subjects, students
can choose two electives from the following: Commerce/Business, Commerce/Legal,
Geography, History, Digital Photography, Media, Design and Technology, Drama,
Information Software and Technology, Physical Activity and Sports Studies, Food
Technology, French, Japanese, Music, Textiles and Design, Visual Arts and
Visual Design.

Subjects Years 11 and 12: Our Lady of Mercy College is accredited
with the Board of Studies so that students qualify for the award of the NSW
Higher School Certificate. In Years 11 and 12 students must study at least 2
units of English and 1 unit of Studies of Religion as well as choosing from 1
unit Studies of Religion, 2 unit Studies of Religion, English —
Standard/Advanced/Extension 1/Extension 2, Mathematics — General, Mathematics —
General/Extension 1/Extension 2, Science — Biology/ Chemistry/Physics/Senior
Science/Earth and Environmental Science, Business Studies, Ceramics, Community
& Family Studies, Design & Technology, Drama, Economics, Exploring
Early Childhood, Food Technology, French, Geography, History —
Modern/Ancient/Extension, Information Processes & Technology, Japanese, Legal
Studies, Music and Music Extension, PD/H/PE, Photography, Society and Culture,
Software Design & Development, Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation, Textiles
& Design, Visual Arts, Visual Design 1 unit, Vocational Education —
Hospitality Operations/Business Services/Information Technology/Retail
Operations. Opportunities are available for students to attend external
Vocational Education Courses at TAFE Colleges. Students can also study
languages through the Open High School or Saturday morning classes.

Sport: AFL, aquathon, athletics, basketball, cheerleading, cricket,
cross-country, dance, diving, european handball, golf, gymnastics, hockey,
netball, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, touch football, triathlon,
ultimate frisbee, volleyball, water polo.

Co-curricular activities: OLMC also offers a wide range of
co-curricular activities, which include the following: Amnesty International,
choir, debating, drama ensemble, Future Problem Solving, Mock Trial, public
speaking, orchestra, music and vocal ensembles, rock bands, science club,
Student Representative Council, Tournament of Minds, Young Writers, chess club,
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, environmental group, peer support, readers’
group, Shakespeare Festival, Mercy Action Group, textiles group, Red Cross
Group, St Michael visiting group.

Welfare and personal development: The College has as its two main
goals the encouragement of students to become independent learners and the
internalisation of Christian values and attitudes. All teachers and girls are
involved in the pastoral care program. The College has a strong student
leadership program and a career adviser.

Enrolment Officer: Mrs Rosalba Sorgiovanni Yee, 8838 1222.

School Information

Our Lady
  • Type: Independent
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Single-sex, Girls

  • Faith-based: Catholic
  • Year: Year 7 - Year 12
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Enrolment: approximately 1030 students
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A  
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
  • Fees: 4k - 8k tuition 2011 $6,054 (years 7 to 10) and $8,007 (years 11 and 12). in addition, a resource fee is charged per student. in 2011 the resource fee will be $1,000. application, enrolment and subject fees are also charged. building fund donations (tax deductible) are sought from families. enrolment registration is taken from birth.
  • Address:Victoria Road, Parramatta 2150
  • Phone:02 9683 3300
  • HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Biology, Business Services, Business Studies, Chemistry, Community & Family Studies, Dance, Design & Technology Drama, Earth and Environmental Science, Economics, English Standard, English Advanced, English Extension I, English Extension II, Food Technology, French Beginners, French Continuers, Geography, History Extension, Information Processes and Technology, Modern History, Ancient History, Hospitality Operations, Japanese Beginners, Japanese Continuers, Legal Studies, Mathematics Standard, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension I, Mathematics Extension II, Music I, Music II, Personal Development, Health & Physical Education, Physics, Society and Culture, Studies of Religion 1 Unit, Studies of Religion 2 Unit, Visual Arts
  • Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Craft Club, Dance Groups, Debating, Drama Groups, Duke of Edinburgh, EcOLMC Group, Gohan Girls Club History Mastermind, Max Potential, Mercy Action Group, Mock Mediation, Mock Trial, Photography Competitions Public Speaking, Readers Group, Robotics Club, Science for Growth Award Science, Coding, Titration Competition Tournament of the Minds, Write a Book in a Day, Year 10 Squad, Young Writers

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