Marryatville High School is an innovative and exciting school offering a diverse curriculum in a learning environment that promotes academic excellence and supports all students in reaching their potential. The wide range of specialist programs including a Music Program, an International Program, a Special Interest Tennis Program and an extensive Co-curricular Program makes Marryatville High School a dynamic educational environment which helps to develop well-rounded and engaged students. Marryatville High School is accredited by the Council of International Schools.
Facilities: Air-conditioned, heritage listed ‘Eden Park’ house, Special Interest Music Centre, Gymnasium, Art, Home Economics and Technical Studies, Resource Centre, Canteen.
Electives Years 7 to 10: Australian Curriculum
Electives Years 11 and 12: SACE curriculum
Extracurricular activities: Sporting and Cultural activities which offer opportunities. Sport, Music, Culture.
Welfare and personal development: Home Group, Subject Teachers, Senior Leaders/Year Level Managers, Counselling, Christian Pastoral Support Worker.
Special features: Music Program, International Program, Special Interest Tennis Program.
The Special Interest Music Program and the Special Interest Tennis Programs have an enviable reputation and a tradition of excellence and achievement in all endeavours.
The Special Interest Music Program offers a broad music education and performance opportunities, as well as an intensive study of music. Entry by audition.
The Special Interest Tennis Program offers a broad academic education, specialist tennis coaching by accredited coaches during school hours, on the school’s six hard courts and two synthetic courts.
Marryatville High School is a leader in International Study Programs. Accredited in 2003 by the Council of International Schools (CIS), with our programs meeting the rigorous standards of global international education.
The Special Needs Team at Marryatville High School works to assist students with disabilities and learning difficulties to maximise their success. Individual learning Plans and student “Access Cards” provide confidential information to teachers about individual learning difficulties and any recommended support strategies. Students with learning difficulties are supported in a variety of ways including 1:1 tutoring, alternate program design, curriculum accommodations and / or modifications. Students are also provided with support and guidance to plan future pathways within and beyond school. In the senior years Special Needs students can apply for SACE 1 and 2 Special Provisions to assist them in school and external assessment.
Marryatville High School has an extensive Learning Assistance Programme (LAP) to provide support to students with learning difficulties. This student centred and volunteer based program provides one-to-one learning support, enrichment and care through the positive contributions of approximately 20 parent volunteers.