Kangaroo Inn Area School is committed to learning. The school cares for and values people. The school environment is attractive, with dedicated teaching and ancillary staff together with supportive parents, caregivers and community people. Learning programs and teaching methodologies reflect careful planning, implementation, assessment and reporting. They aim for continuous learning, social responsibility and developing skills for success. They provide a supportive learning environment that balances the need for discipline with the desire to allow students to take increasing responsibility as independent learners.
Facilities: Set on 8 hectares, native vegetation, quality play areas, air-conditioned, a Gym/Hall, school library, 18-work station information technology laboratory, Café Vireo (run by year 10 hospitality), agriculture block of 23 hectares located 3.5kms from school, shearing shed, hay shed.
Subjects/Electives Years 7 to 10: Arts, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, English, Society and Environment, Science, LOTE (Open Access College) and Design and Technology
Subjects/Electives Years 11 and 12: Subjects in accordance with SACE requirements, VET, TAFE and School Based Apprenticeships (SBA’s).
Sport: SAPSASA and SASSSA activities and Sports Day.
Extracurricular activities: Led Steer and Goat competitions at the Royal Adelaide Show and Mt Gambier Show; sports day and interschool sports day; Presentation Night; and assemblies run by students.
Welfare and personal development: Pastoral care, SRC (Student Representative Council).
Special features: Literacy intervention, private piano and guitar teacher, camps and excursions, Open Access College, interactive whiteboards, and a wireless network.