The College teaches more than 40 SACE-accredited Year 12 subjects. This guarantees academic pathways including specialist Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics for those with university entrance in mind. The College also teaches 14 complete vocational certificates, 5 of these are currently available to secondary students. These include Advanced Manufacturing, Creative Arts, Hospitality, Information and Technology Sport and Recreation. Hamilton is the administration centre for the Inner South Metro Trade Schools for the Future which services the needs of students across the region interested in obtaining a school-based apprenticeship.

Facilities: Our learning programs are enriched by Hamilton’s state-of-the art facilities such as the Advanced Technology Trade Training Centre, the Hospitality Skills Centre, and the Visual Arts and Multimedia Centres.

Subjects/Electives Years 8 to 9: Includes Maths, Science, English, Society and Environment and PE as well as Music, Dance, Languages and Technology.

Electives Years 10 to 12: Offers a wide range of SACE and VET at Stage 1 and Stage 2 levels. Secondary students benefit from membership of a care group, a pastoral care program related to the transition to work and access to various mentoring opportunities.

Sport: Please provide sports offered.

Extracurricular activities: Please provide additional activities offered.

Welfare and personal development: Middle school have access to two experienced Secondary Counsellors and two Christian Pastoral Care Workers. They are also supported by two Caregroup teachers, Year Level Managers, a Student Management Coordinator and a Pastoral Care session each week. The District Special Class caters for students with an intellectual disability and/or severe social or emotional needs and is limited to 12 students from year 8 to 12.

Special features: Hamilton is the focus for space school activities in South Australia and has close links with the United States Space Program. VET qualifications offered: Certificate II in Business (BSB20112, Certificate III in Business Administration (BSB30412, Certificate II in Community Services (CHC20112), Certificate III in Community Services Work (CHC30112), Certificate II in Creative Industries (Media) (CUF20107), Certificate I in Education and Skills Development 40650SA, Certificate I in Food Processing (Viticulture) (FD10111), Certificate II in Kitchen Operations (SIT20312)Certificate II and III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (ICA20111/ICA30111), Certificate III in Media (Animation) (CUF30107), Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (SIS20312), Certificate II in Tourism (SIT20112)and Certificate III in Travel (SIT30212.

School Information

  • Type: Government
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational

  • Faith-based: None
  • Year: Year 8 - Year 12
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options:
  • Fees: Free (Government School)

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