Copperfield College is a dynamic school of three campuses, providing substantial educational opportunities for all students in the City of Brimbank in Delahey, KingsPark and Sydenham and serves surrounding areas. In recent years learning data shows well-above-average growth for students in Literacy and Numeracy. There are 1908 students. At Copperfield, “we learn when we are respectful, responsible and value relationships” best describes our values and focus, whilst “One Family, Three Homes” is a strong metaphor used to describe the school as one school.

The Delahey Senior Campus is purpose-built for young adults studying VCE and VCAL, Years 11 and 12. All facilities are modern and students have access to an extensive range of VCE studies and many VET programs, including Certificate II integrated technologies, hospitality, community service, business, music, dance, fitness and automotive technology. Several other VET courses are offered co-operatively through the local VET Cluster. There is an outstanding VCAL course, well supported by experienced and passionate teachers.  Copperfield College includes among its recent awards the Australian Quality Schooling Award for School Improvement – VCE Improvement, ED awards ‘Leadership Team – Numeracy’  and Western Region Maths and Science School of the year.

The Kings Park Junior Campus and the Sydenham Junior Campus, for Years 7 to 10, are characterised by their unique team structure. Years 7 and 8 teams embody Middle Years of schooling philosophy. Students are placed in teams and are taught by a supportive small group of teachers. In fact the buildings are designed around Middle Years principles.  Years 9 and 10 teams are more focused on the needs of adolescents and enable them to grow and explore options within a guided and protective environment. A feature of these teams is the Challenge Day program encompassing Personal Challenge, Physical Challenge and Community Challenge at Year 9. At Year 10 there is wide choice in the curriculum. The three-campus structure has enabled the establishment of two unique learning environments. Students on the junior campuses are able to access the entire range of resources available to Years 7 to 12, while VCE and VCAL students enjoy a young adult learning environment. The College Council, through its Strategic Plan, has priorities based on improving student learning across all curriculum areas and year levels, promoting high levels of student engagement and wellbeing and providing effective transition processes for all students. The college is managed in such a way as to maximise these priorities. College uniform
is compulsory.

Curriculum: On both junior campuses, all students receive instruction in the eight Key Learning Areas of English, Mathematics, Science, SOSE, LOTE (Italian and Japanese), Technology, Arts, Health and Physical Education along with Literate Practices. The EAL (English as an Additional Language) program, reading room, learning centre and computer laboratories all support student learning. Many Year 10 students take the opportunity to study a VCE subject. There is a sister-school arrangement with Mt Fuji Junior School in Japan. This enables student exchanges every two years. The Year 9 program includes Challenge Day. This is a one-day-per-week program enabling Year 9 students to take risks in a controlled environment and gain confidence in themselves and their peers. The Year 10 program contains choice across each of the learning areas.

Extra-curricular activities: The college is very strongly represented in performing arts, including drama, dance and a music program which is generally contemporary focused. In 2010 CopperfieldCollege was awarded the Koolest Skool Award, a prestigious state award highlighting the strength of their performing arts students. Each semester there are showcase dance, music and drama evenings. The annual college production is a major highlight each year, with students from all three campuses represented. There are extremely strong and varied student leadership groups who represent CopperfieldCollege in many college events and wider community activities. The commitment of the Environmental Student Leadership Group and its active role in promoting positive environmental practices within the community has been regularly recognised through an Australia Day Award for Environmental Sustainability and various awards through ‘Kids Teaching Kids’ involvement. Excursions, camps and the college sports program are extensive, very well structured and supported by passionate and committed staff.

Student welfare programs: Each campus has its own psychologist and/or welfare co-ordinator that are full time and support the learning and emotional needs of each student. CopperfieldCollege students enjoy the benefits of a pastoral care system, proactive welfare programs and up-to-date facilities. The college conducts a formal transition program for primary students and for those wishing to enrol in the VCE and VCAL, including tours, information nights and course counselling. Prospective students and parents are welcome to contact the principal to arrange a tour or to receive further information.

School Information

  • Type: Government
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational

  • Faith-based: None
  • Year: Year 7 - Year 12
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Enrolment: 1908 Students
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A  
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
  • Fees: Free (Government School)
  • Address:Delahey Senior Campus: Goldsmith Avenue, Delahey 3037, Kings Park Junior Campus: Kambalda Circuit, St Albans, Sydenham Junior Campus: Community Hub, Sydenham
  • Phone:Delahey Senior Campus: 03 9307 5555, Kings Park Junior Campus: 03 0365 4111, Sydenham Junior Campus: 03 9361 3888
  • HSC/VCE Subjects offered:English Language, English / EAL, Literature, Accounting, Australian Politics, Business Management, Economics, Geography, Twentieth Century History, History: Revolutions, Legal Studies, and Philosophy, Media, Music Performance, Studio Arts, and Visual Communication and Design, Health and Human Development, Outdoor and Environmental Studies, Physical Education, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Psychology, Italian and Japanese, General Mathematics (Standard and Advanced), Mathematical Methods, Further Mathematics, and Specialist Mathematics, Food and Technology, Product Design & Technology (Textiles), Computing – Units 1 & 2, Computing Informatics, Computing Software Development, and Systems Engineering.
  • Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Chess, Gym, debating, breakfast club, Robotics club, yarn, maths & science mentoring club, esports club, dance club, art club, yoga club, creative writing

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