Our Mission: Out of love and hope for the future of the earth and all life upon it, we strive to, develop the unique capacities of all within our care; to ennoble the mind; fire the imagination; fortify the will and quicken the initiative for life. Beginning life in 1988 as a tiny kindergarten, Castlemaine Steiner School moved in 1995 to its permanent location – 18 acres of bushland just 7 kms from the historic town of Castlemaine. The school currently caters for around 200 students from playgroup to class 8. Upon completion of class 8, students successfully transition into local secondary schools, including a year 9 and 10 Steiner stream at CastlemaineSecondaryCollege.

Facilities: Adopting a permaculture design from former parent, David Holmgren, Castlemaine Steiner School boasts architecturally designed, rammed earth and mud brick classrooms, library, multi-purpose hall, art rooms and eurythmy room with plenty of natural play spaces, trees and gardens.

Curriculum: Central to Steiner education is a holistic approach towards a healthy body, healthy feeling life and healthy thinking. Child development is seen to occur in seven-year stages. In the early childhood years we educate through imitation to nurture the development of the body and the will. In the second seven years, (Class 1 to 8) we educate through the feeling life of the child and their imagination. We seek not merely to impart knowledge, but to help form the capacity for thinking itself. The Main Lesson is taught in the first two hours of each day, with each particular subject studied for 3-4 weeks to allow for a deep and enriching learning experience. The curriculum is based on the major epochs of history, the folk wisdom of fairy tales, the human qualities of animal fables, the deeds of great people and their connection to nature, legends from the Old Testament, Norse, Ancient Indian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman myths and Odysseys, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and subsequent Revolutions. Mathematics and Science are also taught in the Main Lesson, as well as language and the humanities. Art in many forms – poetry, drama, painting, drawing, sculpture, music, singing and movement – is an integral part of the main intellectual and academic learning.

Sport: Steiner schools generally promote non-competitive activities. From class 1, children engage in movement classes and children in older classes participate in weekly sports classes. Unique to Steiner education, children from class 1 engage in eurythmy classes. Eurythmy is a dance-like art form in which music or speech are expressed in bodily movement. Its simple rhythms and exercises help children strengthen and harmonise their body and their life forces.

Student welfare programs: CSSK employs a pastoral care counsellor responsible for ensuring the welfare of students and staff. Extra Lesson assessments assist in identifying any developmental delays with individual remedial programs formulated where necessary to assist with physical/spatial orientation, brain orientation, self awareness and emotional growth.

School Information

Castlemaine Steiner School And Kindergarden
  • Type: Independent
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational

  • Faith-based: Non - denominational
  • Year: Pre-Kindergarten - Year 8
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Enrolment: Entry to the school is often through participation in the early childhood programs, although families may apply for entry to the school at any level. Parents are asked to refer to the school’s website for details of the admission process and application forms.
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A  
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: Yes
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre: Own Preschool
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
  • Fees: 4k - 8k As an independent school, school fees are charged to partially cover the costs of providing the education, balanced with government grants and are kept to a minimum wherever possible. As a guide: Prep to Class 2 - $5408 p/a and Class 3 – 8 - $7052 p/a. There are additional charges for music lessons (compulsory from class 3 to 8), camps, excursions and some materials. Please refer to our website for more information.
  • Address:Cnr Rilens Roads and Pyrenees Highway Muckleford Via Castlemaine VIC 3450
  • Phone:03 5479 2000
  • Fax:03 5470 6237
  • HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Please contact the school

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