Canterbury Girls’ Secondary College seeks to provide a quality educational environment, tailored to meet the needs of girls, with a focus on success in a range of academic, creative and sporting endeavours and the development of self-esteem and integrity. It is a learning community in which members respect each other. Both individual achievement and contribution to group activities are encouraged and valued. The principles of partnership, support and responsibility are used to foster high levels of achievement and satisfaction. Valued college traditions develop a sense of continuity and identity for students and teachers.

Facilities: Specialist learning areas, ready access to ICT facilities in all learning areas, technology centre, performing arts area, resource centre, canteen and uniform shop.

Curriculum: The curriculum and teaching strategies focus on the needs and learning styles of girls and the development of the whole person. It features ongoing, collaborative evaluation of programs to meet the changing needs of students and to provide rigour and challenge in all eight Key Learning Areas. A second language, either French or Japanese, is compulsory to Year 10. The school’s high retention rate permits the provision of units of study from all learning areas at VCE level. Early access to VCE studies is encouraged. Girls may access VET and university enhancement programs. VCE results continue to be above those of like schools. The college has achieved outstanding results in arts, mathematics, music and science competitions.

Extra-curricular activities: The strong, well-established house system encourages the development of leadership skills, teamwork and active participation in sport, dance, music, debating, drama and chorals. The success of events such as chorals and house dance/drama indicate the students’ ability to respect others, work together in teams and use creativity and ingenuity without losing their sense of humour and ability to have fun. The student leadership program includes internally run programs such as peer support, leaders’ orientation and college ambassadors, in addition to programs organised by groups such as the City of Boroondara, Future Leaders and the Association of Girls’ Schools in Australasia.

Student welfare programs: The school is structured as two sub-schools in response to the different learning and support needs of girls as they progress through a secondary school. The Middle School comprises Years 7 to 9. In Year 7 the focus is transition followed by consolidation in Year 8. The Year 9 program is designed to take students out into the community and broaden their knowledge of the Australian society. The structure and operation of the Senior School (Years 10 to 12) reflects the increased maturity of its students and the preparation for transition to tertiary studies. There is a student welfare co-ordinator and a sickbay attendant.

School Information

  • Type: Government
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Single-sex, Girls

  • Faith-based: None
  • Year: Year 7 - Year 12
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Enrolment: 950 students
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A  
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre: N/A
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options: None
  • Fees: Free (Government School)
  • Address:Mangarra Road, Canterbury 3126
  • Phone:9830 5099
  • Fax:03 9836 8958
  • HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Please contact the school
  • Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:sport, dance, music, debating, drama and chorals.

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