Stromlo High serves the Weston Creek and Kambah areas and was established in 1991 following the amalgamation of Weston Creek and Holder high schools. From 2007 the school has incorporated Year 6 into the high school setting with very positive feedback from parents and students and outstanding learning outcomes for students. The school provides a quality, relevant and varied curriculum, aiming to provide students with every opportunity to succeed in academic studies and other school-related activities.
Facilities: Science laboratories, dance studios, band rooms, modern technology area, library, computer rooms, lecture theatre, special education facilities, horticulture area, music keyboard room, drama rooms, digital photography facility, modern kitchens, textiles room, art studios, extensive IT resources and a new gymnasium.
Electives Years 7 to 10: Years 6 and 7 study a set curriculum, while Years 8, 9 and 10 can choose from a number of electives. Students study one of three languages (Japanese, French, Italian) in Years 7 and 8 and select in other Years to continue this study. Provision is made within the curriculum for students with learning difficulties and for those with special talents.
Sport: All popular team sports are played and students are encouraged to participate in the three school carnivals — athletics, swimming and cross-country running.
Extracurricular activities: Debating, dance festival, concert and jazz band, chess, camps, driver education, sports, peer support leadership programs. Middle schooling activities include inter-school sport, dance spectacular, Rostrum public speaking, Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge, Minister’s Physical Activity Challenge and Wakakirri. Extension programs include bridge building competitions, academic competitions, the Virtual Enterprise, Engineering Games and the F1 challenge.
Welfare and personal development: All students are cared for in pastoral care groups and there is a well-organised peer support program and an active SRC and house system. A year coordinator, and the pastoral care coordinator, school counsellor, school chaplain and welfare team monitor academic and social development. The Lex@S Program (Learning Extension at Stromlo) includes a variety of extension activities within classes and extracurricular opportunities. Work experience and careers guidance are incorporated into the curriculum.