St Francis De Sales Regional College provides an environment for students to express their potential for personal, academic, social and spiritual growth in a Catholic community.
The college has a strong pastoral care program, which aims to meet the needs of all students. St Francis Leeton is situated in the heart of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area in the Riverina region of NSW covering 20 hectares and is surrounded by a golf course and orchards on the edge of town.
Facilities: The college has modern tuition facilities that allows for a wide curriculum choice. Facilities include science laboratories, Information Communication Technology rooms, Agriculture Science laboratory, Hospitality & Food Technology kitchens, Visual Design room, Drama and Music rooms and Practice Studios. In addition, students have access to football ovals, cricket nets, tennis, basketball and netball courts.
Electives Years 7 to 12: Japanese, Music, Commerce, Textile Technology, Food Technology, Hospitality (VET), Wood & Metals Technology, Graphics Technology, Information Technology (VE), Information Processes & Technology, Design & Technology, Metals & Engineering (VET), Agriculture, Personal Development, Health & Physical Education, Physical Activity & Sports Studies, Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation, Drama, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Ancient & Modern History, Visual Arts and Visual Design. Religious Education is compulsory for all students.
Sport: Swimming, soccer, basketball, netball, hockey, softball, rugby league, touch football, Australian Rules, tennis, rugby union, cricket and integrated sports using town facilities.
Extracurricular activities: Music, choral group, debating, drama, Mock Trial and coaching in various sports.