Kaleen High is in north-eastern Belconnen, surrounded by parklands and sports fields. Students of all abilities and interests are catered for.
Facilities: Two computer laboratories, large gymnasium, music keyboard laboratory, agriculture facilities, drama suite, refurbished kitchen, fully automated library (accessible to wheelchairs). There is a fully staffed resource centre for students needing learning assistance. There are two Learning Support Units: one catering for intellectually moderate students, the other catering for students with autism.
Electives Years 7 and 8: All students study the national Key Learning Areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Studies of Society and Environment, Physical Education/Health, Technology, the Arts and Japanese. Teachers who meet regularly to ensure an appropriate curriculum is provided to address the needs of every student.
Electives Years 9 and 10: Include Music, Media and Drama, Ceramics, Leatherwork, Japanese, Home Economics, Photography, Wood, Metal, Plastics and Fibre Technology, Graphic Communication, Computing, Business Management, Vocational Education, Poultry Breeding, Extension Mathematics and Extension Science.
Sport: School teams are strongest in soccer, badminton, touch, oztag, rugby league, basketball and rowing. Kaleen High School students perform creditably in every competition they enter. The sport education model in PE requires and assists students to develop leadership and administration skills.
Extracurricular activities: The school is well regarded for charity fund raising. Other activities include an active SRC, a school band catering for beginners and experienced musicians, participation in dance festivals, a sister school relationship with Nara University High School, partnership with the Tabitha Foundation supporting communities in Cambodia and entry in national English, mathematics, science and LOTE competitions.
Welfare and personal development: Pastoral responsibilities are shared among staff. The school adheres to restorative justice processes and has strong links with a wide number of community and government agencies. The school offers a Years 7 to 10 pastoral care program. A cross-curriculum careers component covers Years 9 to 10 to assist with the transition from school to work or further education.